
Click here to download the constitution and rules of the South African Colliery Administrative and Financial Managers’ Association

Code of conduct


To ensure that the Association accomplishes the objectives set in its mission, the following rules, policy’s measurements and codes have been established to guide its functioning. Members, within this code of professional conduce and ethics, have the opportunity of interacting with their fellow professionals and making use of the services provided by the Association to enhance their professional knowledge. Compliance of the code is mandatory. If members become aware of, or suspects a contravention of the code, they should promptly and confidentially advise the Association’s Council who will react accordingly. In accordance with its mission, values and constitution each member must be an ambassador and promote the objectives of the Association within the Coal Mining Industry at all times.

In accepting this promise, members shall, in carrying out his/her profession:

  • Have due regard to HSEC matters in general
  • Discharge his duties top his employer and the Association in an efficient and competent manner with complete fidelity and honesty
  • At all times act in the best interest of his employer and the Association
  • Disclose to his employer, in writing any possible conflict of interest
  • Not receive, either directly or indirectly, any monetary or other inducements from any person wishing to obtain either business or information, unless authorised in writing by this employer
  • Not, maliciously or recklessly injure either directly or indirectly, the professional reputation, prospects ort business of his employer or the Association
  • Order his conduct regarding work, visits or any other organised gatherings inside our outside the borders of the Republic of South Africa so as to uphold the values of his employer and the Association
  • Regard personal information of members as confidential and not to divulge any such information to any other person or organisation without such person’s consent

Policy & Constitution
The Association and all its members are committed to a policy of serving the interests of their fellow members and employers with diligence, fairness and integrity.  The fundamental belief is that their actions should be conducted honestly, fairly and legally. The Association expects all its members to share its commitment to high moral, ethical and legal standards. The constitution should be honoured and acknowledged as a set of rules to regulate the smooth functioning of the Association

Understanding the Constitution
The constitution should be read in conjunction with this document. Final interpretation of the constitution resides with the Council.

Compliance with the Code of Constitution
Members must comply with all applicable codes and ethics, which relate to their activities for and behalf of the Association. The Association will not condone any violation of any law of the country or unethical behavior by any member.

Conflict of Interest
The members shall, order his or her conduct in connection with work outside the borders of the Republic of South Africa in accordance with these rules so far as they are not inconsistent with the laws of the country concerned. Provided that where there are recognised standards of professional conduct in a country outside the Republic he or she shall adhere to those standards. The members shall discharge his or her duties to his or her employer, client, colleagues and this Association in an efficient and competent manners with complete fidelity and honesty. The members shall not maliciously or recklessly injure, either directly or indirectly, the professional reputation, prospects or business of any other members of the Association.

The members shall disclose to their employer, being client of  this Association, in writing any vested interest they may have in any company, firm or person conducting any business which may cause conflict of interest, as well as particulars of any royalty accruing to them from any article or process used in or for the purpose of the work in respect of which he or she is employed. The members shall not receive, whether directly or indirectly, any gratuity, commission or other financial benefit unless it has been authorised, in writing, by his or her employer, being client of this Association. The members shall not conduct his or her professional services in a self-laudatory manner or in a manner that is derogatory to the dignity of the profession.